Loss sucks

I just found out last night my best friends kidneys are failing him, it’s got me feeling everything but wanting to use, for that I’m thankful but I’m also terrified and worried for him and his family. I’m praying for them but I needed to share


I understand. One of my best friends passed away 2 years ago. He had a kidney transplant that lasted about 20 years and now he's gone. This is not easy and it's heartbreaking. I will be praying for your friend. :pray: Also I'll pray for you. God is our miracle worker! We never know what He may do for us.


Thanks for sharing. Sorry life is very challenging at times. I’m here if you ever want to talk

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Enjoy the time you have together

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I came up with a solution to my ailments with it I asked him when his days off are and I’m gonna use my pto on the ones that don’t line up with mine ! Small victories!


The small things count brother. Lost my bestfriend of 15 years on thanksgiving it will never be the same. Enjoy it man