Lost and tired

Ive been 4 months sober & im struggling really bad with social anxiety. I really just dont want to leave the house or interact with anyone. I enjoy being alone. I dont really get too upset about it until i see other people on facebook or other social media posting pictures going out and having a good time so i start to feel like i should be doing what theyre doing. I get kind of jealous bc i cant be outgoing like them. I also always just feel so tired. Does any of this make sense? Can anyone relate?


I relate. I'm tired a lot of the times too. And I look at people having a good time. Say oh I can go out and have a good time. Then I shut my eyes and go to sleep. I'm right there with you and I have almost for your sobriety and it's hard because a lot of what I used to do revolved around having a cocktail and pills and I can't do that anymore. So I find staying home and watching TV and falling asleep to the TV is all I could do at this point. But I don't beat myself up for it. At least I'm still sober and I'm here for one more 24 hours


Sam, if social media upsets you then maybe think about not looking at social media. I stopped years ago and don’t miss it at all.
If you’re tired all the time, maybe try exorcising or start walking or dancing.
I enjoy being alone too most of the time. Acceptance is the key to peace :peace_symbol:

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@torie259603 @danny157478 thank you both, it feels better knowing I'm not the only one