Lot has been going on. I’m pulling away from everybody

Lot has been going on. I’m pulling away from everybody because of some recent incidents in my home group. So I formally quit it. I’m tired of being told I’m not a good person. I’m a red flag. I make others uncomfortable. 12 step programs are honestly dangerous as heck. Sick people helping sick people just leads to chaos. I’m experiencing that.

These are the people that said they loved me. Now they are turning their backs on me and I didn’t do anything other than exist. My own self deprecation in my mind tells me everything negative already. I don’t need other people validating those thoughts.

I am not a bad person. I’m bad with people. Being alone is so much easier. Keeping my peace is more important to me than anything else.


Whatever it takes :pray:

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Good deal. Hang in there.

Thanks. I just need a community that supports me.

You can do it

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I am so sorry to hear that. That is your experience. Maybe search for a different home group. They’re not a perfect fit for us. Sometimes we have to search for different meetings and different clubhouses to our we truly fit in. that is my own experience and through that I have found a place that I can call Home and the people within that home group I can call my family.

I pray that you one day that as well God bless you

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Heather when I first started going to meetings I felt similar. I went back to using. After ruining myself hardcore, I went back to meetings. But different meetings and met different people. I looked for happily sober people that had inner peace and a positive energy about them.
You’re right, sick people in the rooms for sure. But there are many that aren’t. So I implore you to keep an open mind and heart.
I sincerely know you will find the love you so richly deserve.

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