Lots of Newbies!

Lots of Newbies!

Let's get to know each other. Introduce yourself


Favorite Food:

Language(s) Spoken:

Favorite Hobbies:

How You Heard About Loosid:

Anything else you want to share.

Name: Amanda

Favorite Food: Korean Beef Fried Rice

Language(s) Spoken: English, 80% fluency in Spanish, a few words in French

Favorite Hobbies: Practicing Spanish, learning new Excel Skills

How You Heard About Loosid: While looking for a new job

Name: Tori

Favorite Food: I like most cuisines

Language(s) Spoken: English

Favorite Hobbies: Talking on Loosid, Talking about my recovery

How You Heard About Loosid: Don't remember Lol

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Name: Barb

Favorite Food: Meatloaf

Language: English

Favorite Hobbies: Reading, Movies, volunteering and anything outdoors

How You Heard About Loosid: I put sober dating into my Google Play search bar.

Hi, Tina. I love mashed potatoes, too.

I'm sorry about your emotional health. I know how scary it can be. Feel free to contact me anytime.

I love volunteering. Which organizations do you normally volunteer at?

Not far from me there is a horse ranch that has lessons for young kids for disabilities; my family is friends with thr owner. I've also helped with various community service events.

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That sounds fun. That's an excellent way to give back.

I love sushi. Yum. :yum:

What is your favorite genre to read?

I have always loved helping others. Not only does it make others happy, it gives me tgat natural high

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For sure! Me, too. My big brother and parents introduced me to volunteering when I was in 3rd or 4th grade.

My dad raised me and my sister to always think about others and how we can help them.