Made it 121 days sober from everything now today and

Made it 121 days sober from everything now today and struggling with emotions and feelings lately any suggestion at all



Hang in there. It will get better. It's a fight ,but your worth the fight

Thank you I will keep going just struggling with triggers at home

Yes that is common

Yes that is part of the part of the battle. If you can take a walk call a friend. Put on some soothing music. I go to you tube and listen to meditative music the are lots of them to choose from. Delta waves Theta waves. Spiritual sounds to sooth that savage beast that can rage with in all of us. Much love and prayers

I called some people n they can only talk for a little bit to me so gonna keep calling people

Yes . I am here. We are all

In this together

I live in Penticton BC Canada

All of these things are part of our journey. Be kind to yourself

You can do this!

I just posted something similar to this. Iā€™m right there with you.

Hang in there. Feelings are different but sit in them. You got this. Just follow your practice, whatever it is; more meetings, meditation, therapy. Keep being patient with yourself

Thank you to all of you gonna go listen to music til my friend gets here to help me cope with being alone

Do u go to meetings??? Do u have a support network with people who care about you??? Reach out and talk about it. Pick up the 1000lb phone and call someone that u know will listen..... Or what I do is I go to meetings and get it out with other addicts and also hear their struggles and it makes me feel a bit more normal. After years of numbing and pushing feelings and emotions away it is difficult to learn to deal with them when clean. GOODNEWS, it gets easier........ whatever you do just dont use. YOU GOT THIS. 121 days is a huge feat! Congrats.

Yes I go to as many meetings as people can drive me too and I call alot of people up and thank you I'm so beyond proud of myself for doing it this far this time. It took me about two years or longer but I'm serious this time

Solid plan