Man was I so close to relapseing yesterday because 2

Man was I so close to relapseing yesterday because 2 jobs turned me down that I been trying to get and interviewed for. When I seen the emails immediately my blood Started to boil and I got in my car was in the parking lot and out the blue my cuz called and he said yo cuz you still sober I hope I hada feeling something was wrong with you you good. And I broke down and told him and he came and got me I'm still sober 37 days


Good for you brother. Stay strong. As far as the job hunt, while some doors may close, the right ones will open. Keep your head up !

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So amazing you made it through, glad you're staying strong for yourself. The right job will come your way

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Oh yea that’s why we can’t act on our impulses. But it’s hard not to when we’ve trained our bodies to use alcohol as a bandaid. So good for you for staying sober. Nicely done!


Life can be hard. So proud of you for staying the course. Wishing you happiness!


I’ve been in that boat - I had 4 finally interviews at one point and didn’t get any of them. I kept going to meetings instead of dwelling in my own head. I didn’t make it personal in fact I took all the feedback, and prepared hard before every interview leaving no stone unturned. I prayed a lot to my higher power. He gave me 3 answers!

-No yet

  • I have something better for you.

It all works out if your willing turn it over.

Best of Luck!

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That’s awesome god is good keep your head up a job will come when the time is right and when the right job is open I know it’s not to not work these days but it’s time to take care of yourself and sobriety and everything else will fall in place 

I'm very lucky that my parents let me move back in after my break up. I did hurt myself alot cuz I would drink 24/7 and now since I have a gap in my employment it's hard to get anything. And I do appreciate the responses. I did read that artificial intelligence is actually screening resumes now and that's one of the reasons why it's hard for people to get a job. Not all places do that but I've seen more than a few companies do this