MAT Meds?

Is anyone here on MAT? If so, what? & how does it affect you?

I'm currently on Zubsolv. My insurance stopped covering suboxone and switched me to Zubsolv, this is the best ive felt yet! Definitely sticking with Zubsolv. Highly recommend. Love the minty menthol taste also.

I have previously tried Suboxone, Vivitral shot, and Naltrexone.

Does anyone take methadone? Or suboxone strips? Or anything else that i forgot to mention? Tell me about it, im curious!! :point_down:t2:


I take suboxone strips and I highly recommend it I have 0 cravings anymore but I have to keep taking for pain management

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I'm currently on Subuclade (buepenorphine shot) monthly injection

Sorry I butchered buprenorphine lol

I take methadone daily. I'm a hurting 60 year old addict. So, I use a lot of it for pain management. But it's helped me to not use too, and that's what matters.

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So i was on either methadone or suboxone from when I was 18 until I was 41! Both took a terrible toll on my body, my mind, and my soul. I finally got off maintenance by getting the sublocade shot 2 years ago and never going back. I will be 1 year sober tomorrow, free from all mind or mood altering substances. I've never felt better in my life! I feel like a teenager again. The one and only sublocade shot i got was in my urine for a year! So a very slow and painless detox.

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Everyone’s experience with MAT can be different, so it’s great that you’re exploring options. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor to figure out what might work best for your journey. Wishing you the best!

Speaking from years of experience with opiate abuse and experience with every drug you mentioned except the Zublov one. We don't NEED any of these drugs we WANT them. I know I did. It's not until we commit to suffering for a while that we can begin to work on a journey to freedom from all these bull$@#! pharmaceutical drugs that we actually don't need. Just my experience, good luck