MAT treatment for meth users

So I’m wondering why there is MAT treatment for opioid users (methadone, Suboxone, Neltrexone, etc.) and nothing they can really do to help people with stimulant abuse disorders (meth or cocaine users)?! I have been struggling recently with my sobriety. In fact, I’m currently back to day one today.. But I did get about two weeks sober before I used again. In those two weeks, I was taking adderall, I am formally diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Vyvanse to manage it but I still have cravings &/or use when I only take the Vyvanse… When I take the Adderall, I feel more energized (not high though) & focused. My brain literally feels like it’s functioning correctly when normally, I have a really hard time keeping focused on daily tasks or I forget everything… Also, I function normal as well like eat and sleep normally when I take Adderall. And the best part is, I don’t have any cravings for meth! I’m only taking two 20mg tabs in the morning and I get through the day without struggling. Why do doctors not prescribe Adderall as a MAT treatment for meth users? Why is there not more research done on this subject?! I’m extremely frustrated because I know myself and what will work for me and my recovery but my treatment care team isn’t listening or hearing my needs. I’m not med seeking or trying to get high, I’m trying to manage this disease of addiction that I’m living with so I can have a fulfilling and successful life! Sorry (not sorry) for the rant. Have a good day everyone! :pray:


I also have ADHD and formerly used meth… I went back to school and had trouble concentrating I am prescribed an alternative adhd made that is non habit forming and not an amphetamine. Maybe ask your doctor to try that to see if it helps. It definitely helps me to stay focused and get things done. Hope this helps a little

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There is cocaine anonymous meetings. And in my 15 years of sobriety I learned that the drugs of choice are not so important as the addiction itself. My addiction is the problem. I had to realize that. So any meeting or group works for me.


Hi - perhaps you can go to a psych doctor, and tell them that you have ADHD, and they will prescribe Adderall. Then maybe you can taper off of that yourself.  Check out crystal meth anonymous (CMA) or NA in your area - there will be a room full of people just like you. If you really want to stay clean, and are willing to unconditionally surrender, you can do this. Just worry about one day at a time, powering through each day clean - it will get easier and it will get better.

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They don’t have a pharmaceutical treatment because it’s simply avoiding the inevitable. MAT is the same. Swapping one drug for another.
Best to go to detox and get off all that junk.
It’s a good life in sobriety. :grin:


Well said. They don't throw out Adderall prescriptions because it's a very dangerous and highly addictive DRUG. It's really not ideal, especially if you're trying to quit drugs. I've know dozens of people on methadone and they've been on it for years and continue to be on it to this day. There is no end until you decide to quit all the mind altering substances and really try to live sober. Trust me it's very uncomfortable at first, it does take some time but your body really doesn't need these things.i have adhd and BP type 1 and was able to get completely sober 4.5 years ago. My mind kept telling me I needed these medications but it turns out I didn't. Good luck


“We will outgrow fear”

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MAT is not the same as drug abuse. If it’s done properly under proper medical care and with therapeutic interventions it can work and people don’t have to be on it forever. It can and does help people get sober. Ideally the individual wouldn’t need it forever. Some clinics don’t do it right which cause long term need or continued substance abuse use though.

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I understand where you are coming from and a lot of people will say “well your just exchanging one drug for another”

But when I was on opiates I had no money, spent ever since dime on pills, and was only focused for my next fix.

Since then I take 1 suboxone in the morning and 1/2 in the evening.

Since then it’s giving me my life back, I got married gained back my normal weight. Got two beautiful kids.

Everyone is different and everyone’s journey isn’t the same. I understand what you’re saying and only you know what works for you and don’t.

I’ve been enjoying my sobriety while taking my sub like I’m supposed to.

Search for the non habit adhd meds and I hope that works for you. Consult with you Dr but don’t let anyone tell you what will and will not work for your case/life only.

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MAT is for people who don't want to suffer through the pain of opiate withdrawal. The 2-4 months of pain (in my case) is absolutely miserable but it's the only way to truly to be free of substances which we rely on. Any opiate addict knows that the only way to be free is to suffer. If you ever want to be truly sober and free then you'll have to go through the pain. Suboxone is just a band aid to temporarily avoid the pain. Unfortunately there's really no shortcuts

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