I wrote this today. I want to stop taking drugs and smoking cigs… I mean, I think I want this. But could it be that I only think I want this because I feel that a reasonable person should want it? I consider myself a somewhat reasonable person… but am I actually?
I already know all the reasons why I should change, I am even pretty certain I know what I need to do... though I may be wrong. So, why does it feel impossible to implement these actions and change my behavior? I feel paralyzed at times. Like a part of my brain just shuts down. I become tired, I collapse. I have conflicting beliefs and desires. I suppose this could be part of the reason I am feeling so stuck. While I want to have meaningful relationships, I fear becoming trapped in another relationship where I might be unhappy. I fear being rejected and gathering further proof of my inferiority. I fear inflicting pain onto others, by becoming attached to someone, and them to me, but then feeling an overwhelming need to be free and leaving them broken hearted when they could have fallen in love with someone else who would have stayed with them and loved them the way that they deserve to be loved. I want to become healthier, but I have a deeply engrained belief that if I stop taking uppers I will gain weight because I will turn to food, similarly, if I quit smoking I will consume more food as a result and become fat and undesirable. I believe becoming fat will prevent me from achieving the love I deeply desire. I fear it will make me unattractive and I will eat my feelings and hide from the world because I am so lonely and love starved. Are these the obstacles (beliefs) that prevent people from changing? Do I truly want to change, on a subconscious level? How do I let go of my horribly painful past to make room for the beautiful life I desire? I am so fking sick of living this way. And I am completely responsible for my own misery.