Mental obsession…

I can’t turn it off…it never shuts up


Step work


Jamie, you just described my dis-ease of mind! The disease wants me dead! But will settle for my misery.
My solution was 100% doing the program of alcoholic anonymous. Yeah I know it sounds boring and horrible😅. But I found out it’s so much better than losing the battle to my disease. Actually it took me way too long to surrender, but I’m so glad I finally did. It is the easier & softer way. Everything is soooo much better!
I’m here if you want to talk.


That's what my sponsor says... I should listen

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I just want to surrender

Sweet surrender. Now make YOUR SOBRIETY your number 1 PRIORITY. When I do that, every single thing gets better and easier. Even my crazy thoughts🤪


I hear you ... my mind does not shut up. An in a psych hospital as we speak for mental health and addictions and UT shouts louder. I also feel more alone here than ever.

A battle every day.

Meditation helps to calm the constant amount of thoughts coming in