Mentally drained

Every day that I don’t pick up a drink or drug I get better.


Please call me if you need to talk.

Exiting , stage right, would be too easy. Not after everything, we as Alcoholics/Addicts, have gone through. Remind yourself of the uphill battle you have endured , even the DUI. It will get better, just keep sober and keep reaching out to other sober people. This too shall pass. :v::raised_hands::pray:


That cold beer will just make those problems so much worse. It will absolutely get better slowly but noticeably. Looking forward to seeing your grateful for sobriety posts coming soon. You got this!

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Sending hugs and positive energy!

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Dealing w one too :pray: your not alone :heartbeat::pray:

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DUIs are not fun. It is a struggle and very mentally draining, I agree. Keep your head high and heart strong! We go through tough times so we can grow and become stronger. 🫂


I felt every word in my soul . I had those same thoughts... but then I realized that i am stronger than that and so are you!!! You got this... like AJ said hold that head up high! You are loved. Greater things are coming. This is a stepping stone.


I am presently going thru the same thing. It is mentally draining. But just see it thru. Drinking will only make it worse. :+1:


18 months ago I was there. It's hard to see the light at this point. But eventually things go back to normal. The hardest thing that came from my dui was sobriety. But try to look at the positives. You didn't kill anyone or yourself. You could VERY easily be sitting in a prison cell. One day at a time🥰

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You have a team here use us! Let us support you each and everyday!

Wishing you a good day. No matter how bad you have it; someone has it worse than you. You will get thru this! ODAAT

I know the feeling I was going to court for my 5 drug case back in October of 2022 and I was told that I am facing prison time not probation straight to prison and I couldn’t afford a lawyer and had to deal with a public defender and I was great full at the end cause i didnt get but a little bit of jail time and probation and all I did was honest about my mental health and snuggle and got myself into treatment and meeting I hope by me share with you my story gives you hope cause it’s hard to see the light at the beginning but you got this 


Make a gratitude list start with not killing anyone when you were drunk! It helped me


How are you holding up today Ashley????


This too shall pass. I also have experience with dui, the anxiety about it all is crippling. I was getting them every four years while going to school for criminal justice. So trust me, I know how you feel. I promise you there so nothing worth your precious life. It just feels that way now. Stay away from the alcohol if you are depressed. Trust me on that one too. It isn’t as bad as it feels right now.. if you need to reach out, I’ll listen.


Ashley, are you ok?
Hope that you see all of the support here…and know that you can overcome and rise above this difficult period.

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Hi! Just wanted to check in. How are you?

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Don't drive for today and go to a meeting. Let me know if you need some on zoom

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Been there done that and got the tee shirt, it's bad but it will pass. Lawyers cost as much as they do because without one you're going to jail, you can't realistically represent yourself. That said, it will pass and is the perfect time to get into a program of recovery and find permanent sobriety

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