Mentally drained

Ugh, my DUI from a few months ago is really really affecting me. Suicidal, and wish i wasn’t. Why are lawyers so much money :pensive:

Currently imagining a cold beer in my hand.



Just keep cool. Go through the process. A beer in your hand could make the current problem worse by 100.

A cold beer in your hand got you the problem you're dealing with now. Pouring more beer on the problem as a solution sounds like crazy talk.

Hang in there. Sometimes just not making things worse is the best we can do.


This too shall pass. Stay cool, stay sober and you will get through this.
I had tremendous legal issues to deal with in early sobriety. I believe that because I stayed sober, miraculously everything worked out.
We stay sober no matter what!!
I’m here if you want to talk

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Like Taylor said.
Beer to fix a problem caused by beer is insane.

Lawyers cost a lot of money because they’re worth it.


Hang in there, Ashley. I know it is tough but I promise you I just celebrated 23 years clean and sober. This too shall pass I know sometimes it is hard to hear but if you stay sober and clean anything as possible.

I’m dealing with the same, it’s a cliché, but it’s true. Just take it a day at a time. Take help when you can get it reach out and talk to someone about it and remember it’s not forever.

I understand where you are. I experienced the same thing a few years ago before I seeked help. Thankfully I and everyone around me survived and nobody got hurt. That low point in my life started me on the path to eventually seek help for my problem with alcohol. Alcoholics Anonymous is what helped me find life again. Maybe if you have not yet been it would be worth it to check out a meeting close to you? Either way glad you are here trying to seek help.

I’m sorry you’re struggling. Try to be really nice to yourself during the challenging processes like these. Get creative. Aside from making meetings, calling alcoholics, and prayer/meditation, what makes you feel good? A little extra TV? Some salty n sweet popcorn and a flick? A foot massage at the nail salon? Just for today.

Go for a walk and listen to a sober podcast. Like mane here I was there a couple years ago. Seek help and be patient. It will pass. I am getting my breathalyzer taken out of my car next week. It has been close two years since my DUI and I have been sober for 14 + months. I am doing great. Healthy and much better mentally. Trust me it will get better. Believe in yourself. And always love yourself.

1 day at a time
Control what you can

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Get to a AA meeting! Between face to face AA meetings and AA Zoom meetings you will get past this stage in your recovery!

Drink cannot fix my problems today

Ashley, you are loved and bring value to this world. Please call 988 if you’re in the US and in crisis. They can help walk you through your hardest hours. Life is really, really hard sometimes, you don’t have to struggle through it alone.

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I've been there it gets better this to shal pass I know it sounds stupid but it does

Hang in there. Everything will be ok in the end. This will pass

How are you doing today Ashley

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Listen, my gf is dealing with the same issue. I did a decade ago. Money is temporary. It isn't going to change much in the long term.

If you are having thoughts of self doubt and harm I would urge you to seek help whether with a trusted friend or family member or a professional. I've been there unfortunately but working the steps has kept me from going there in mind even for a moment, for the last 3+ years.

You've got this Ashley, mind over matter!

Everyone has value and a purpose. I know you might not see yours right now, but don’t give up. I’ve been there and now 2 years sober never going back if I can do it anyone can.

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…I was where you are currently, Ashley…a handful of years ago…around this precise time.

It really was such a low point in life.
A complete understatement.
Lower than low.

You know what is sad?

I kept drinking, even after the nightmare of all which I went through / which I did to myself…and please know…the drinking made my living h-ll which I created to begin with…even more h-llish.

I also remember feeling like the most worthless piece of sh-t, disappointing myself, everyone around me, thinking that my life is, was so pointless.

If you pick up a drink…you will ensure that everything will become worse.

It is annoying sometimes to read or hear things like “ this too shall pass “…while this horrible period of life truly IS temporary.

You are worth so much more than alcohol will allow you to be.

That sh-t is the enemy.
I will not drink with you today, Ashley.

…I am wondering the same, Troy.
Ashley, how are you doing right now??

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