Missed A Step

I have NEVER worked the steps!!! I've been in and out of the rooms of NA for years but I have nevervdone the steps. Can someone please help me. I want that experience!! I live in a small town w/o NA meetings I go to Zoom meetings


Hi Trisha, I sponsor. I’ll friend request you now.

Seek out the women on this platform and locally who have worked the steps. Women sponsor women and men sponsor men. You may have to travel but even if you get one live meeting a week or month that will work. As long as you are in contact with your sponsor every day.
There are tons of resources. Check out Narcotics Anonymous online for more information. Working the steps allows us a life beyond anything we can imagine. I’m so happy for you having made a decision. :grin:


How do I find a sponsee?


Kudos to you for reaching out! I feel this. While I’m not able to sponsor, you are doing the right thing. Ask people on zoom. Keep asking. This is your life and you deserve to live it fully!

The steps are a guideline but your hearts desire is your driving force. We can work the steps together.

Like Matt mentioned, she would probably benefit more from other women to work the steps with.

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I could care less if it's a woman you or me. Somebody help that what matters.

While that sounds great. I am not exactly sure how Zoom meetings work. Can u explain?

I requested you,
I’ll be happy to help you find some resources!

Well, it's worth considering.

hey Tay Tay!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Men with men, women with women. That is not a cliche just for the heck of it.
Although alcoholics/addicts usually know what's best for themselves, I mean shucks look at the track record that got us here!, and we end up doing what we wanna do, even when asking what to do, so let us know how it turns out for yall? Love you

I don’t go to meetings…while I have been to many in the past.
Women sponsor women.
Oh my gosh.
Please do not allow some man to be your sponsor-NO!
Wishing you well with your step work!