Missing out on life

Woke up with a horrible hangover today and had to cancel plans for a hike with a friend and coffee. Spent the whole day just trying to get to the end. Really craving an escape right now- I’m tired of feeling this way.


You don’t have to miss out on life. You need to make a commitment to yourself to get sober. Have you tried to do that? Do you think you are an alcoholic? Maybe your not. But if alcohol is keeping you from being with friends and canceling plans. Maybe think about it. I remember when I was deciding for myself I wouldn’t believe that I had a problem. Idk :woman_shrugging:

I’ve done that countless times myself, cancelling plans after a rowdy night drinking and using. It’s sucks, considering you feel completely drained that next day and totally hating that you had to cancel a whole day. Joe is right, you probably should consider assessing whether or not your drinking has become unmanageable and are/is an alcoholic. We’ve all been there. Don’t stress yourself though, may I suggest reaching out to someone you trust? They could help with feedback

Tara I don’t know what your situation is but if you want to stop try AA. They can be a great support and depending on how long and consistently you’ve been drinking you may have to seek medical attention to detox. Nonetheless you can do it.