Montrose Beach

Grateful that this beach is open today and I’m clear headed enough to drive here with ZERO panic attacks :partying_face:


Sweet home Chicago :raised_hands:

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:joy: :joy:

Amen! :pray:t3: one day at a time

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What a beautiful day!

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It was gorgeous out!

Such a beautiful day

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It was so nice out! Got a nice little sun burn :joy: :grimacing: it was only like 75 out and I forgot to put my spf on :woman_facepalming:t3:

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Yeah same here! The day couldn’t have started any better! I’m glad you are here! I’m thankful you were able to enjoy the beautiful view and creation! The beauty is always around you, so soak in the sun and gaze at the beauty that is often overlooked!

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Sunburn in 75 degrees! Oh no! Is it real bad?

I live about 45 minutes from a beach that’s called the dirty Myrtle lol

But your beach looks nice and clean

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Yah girl that sub was strongggggg. No clouds at all and being by the open water it was reflecting right on my white a** :laughing:

It’s not too bad. I put some aloe on. Just itches more than anything!

Dirty Myrtle?! :laughing: does it live up to its name haha

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Haha well it’s actually called myrtle beach. But it’s the Walmart of beaches in my opinion :upside_down_face::sailboat:

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And in Chicago next week the beach will have snow and then more 90 degree days next month lol.