More difficult at night, when I’m alone and can’t sleep

More difficult at night, when I’m alone and can’t sleep. Day 3.


I'm in that same boat brother. Going to bed and thinking you've fucked everything up. wondering if your friends care. How you might be hurting your family. But we're not bad people.


Loneliness is a nightmare when you are trying to stay sober. When that urge hits, you might consider an online meeting. The sober stories in the app are a good way to get the voice of sobriety back in your head when you are struggling.

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Bub g v g by

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I’m on day one…how’s day 5 treating u Robert? You still with us?!

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Sleeping can be a tough one for me. But I've started to do is only give myself about 15 or 20 minutes to fall asleep. If I haven't fallen asleep by then and haven't gotten rid of my distractions I will get up and go do something else for 30 minutes and then try again. It's much better than sitting in bed thinking and being tempted. Usually that's a time for me to read through this app, read some news, or watch a show. By that time I have distracted myself enough to try to sleep again.

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I’m still good! Preparing for a hiking trip Saturday. I want to be hydrated and not hungover for the experience! Thank you for checking in on me :slightly_smiling_face: are you still doing good?

I’ll keep that in mind. This app has actually been helping more than I thought it would.

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I can’t agree more. My mind is my own worst enemy and at night forget about it. Currently trying to find some fool proof coping skills to get through this

I struggle with this too. I recommend Trying guided meditation at night. It can help calm your mind so that those negative thought aren’t in control. Theres a 30 min guided meditation on YouTube from sam Harris that is really good.

No worries man. Remind yourself you’re still very early on and these feels might take weeks to adjust.

If you find something foolproof let me know. I could used it.