Mornings are amazing! Mid afternoon is the worst , but

Mornings are amazing! Mid afternoon is the worst , but made it another day


Glad you are still fighting

Same here

I woke up before wife, kids, and was alert and ready for the day! Non sober, I'd be grouchy, hungover, attempting to remember the previous night, and getting frustrated with basic adult activities, like making breakfast


24 hours... dont drink today:)

Elizabeth I am with you. My witching hours are 4-8pm. I try to keep myself occupied during that. If nothing else, I retire early and read or watch a movie

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Good plan!!

Sometimes that binge watching , stuff like that can really help. It’s a no brain, get out of head type thing. Whatever works for now

Mornings/early afternoon are good but definitely my witching hours also 4-8. I’ve been white-knuckling it then going to bed by 8 or 9.

Same. I was able to get up and laugh and shop other my mom who has been visiting for a week. She doesn’t know. But I am 5 days sober today and in much better spirits. Been drinking daily for 20 years. I’m ready to embrace the battle to fight for more days like today. :heart: Congratulations!