Move on

Hi, Kalola-

Glad to read about your having a solid support system and that you are going to meetings.

Catch you later.
Rooting for you!!

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Hello Kalola
Have you asked him not to bring drugs around you and your son?
Have you set boundaries?

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I have asked him before his relapse if he does go back don’t bring it around me an when I found out again recently I asked him to not bring it around me or my kid. It was like he wanted time to use to mess up.

It’s getting better but it is hard to see someone fall so hard back into addiction. I feel for my son cuz I know he loves his father. But my son’s name is chancen.

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That’s terrible, I highly suggest ALANON Family groups. If you want a solution they have one.

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…I am catching up on this conversation, the thread.

He has hit her.

Boundaries and meetings are moot at this point.
This person does not need to be anywhere near her or their son.
This needs to be about no contact!

Not saying that this is easy…again…the man hit her.
I would not be entertaining boundaries.
It is beyond all of that.
The TRO is in place for reasons.


Yes, it is really tough. I agree 100%. I lost my brother from active addiction. He was murdered and I lost two of my best friends that I’ve gone back out and died.

Thank you for sharing your struggles! Reminds me of how evil this disease is. We must never forget! I would take extreme measures to protect my son and myself! Please lean on the sober community even more now. You shouldn’t do this alone. I’ll friend request you now. I’m here for you🙏

Decision Time is here its a tough one for you. you got to do what's best for YOU AND YOUR CHILD unfortunately your partner has made his mind up I'm pretty sure people in your personal circle have told you the same.if you have to yell at someone have doubts see someone destroy themselves. Need I say more I'm pretty sure it's gonna be the same result till he is tired he needs to want to change you can't do it for him.ill pray for you

Unfortunately you cannot afford to concern yourself with the why's. You've got a kid that is your primary focus and that child is your responsibility. Not some grown man acting childish. JS.