Moving up

I just wanted to say how extremely grateful I am to my higher power for picking me up from the depths of darkness (since I can't say the word i want)and showing me I really can do anything. A 52yr old addict who was homeless for almost 10yrs, sleeping on couches, getting high, & being sick without it and now I'm getting Honor Roll in my 1st year of college!:muscle::100::heart::pray:
We can, will, & DO recover :muscle::heart::100::pray:


I am so proud of you, this is great!!

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Thank you so much :blush: it means a lot

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Thanks so much

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@dawn287500 CONGRATULATIONS :tada::tada::tada:. I'm sharing your joy, excitement, tears of gratitude and happiness. This is a major achievement for you. I'm very proud of you. Keep up the good work.


:tada: That’s awesome Dawn! What a testimony about how life can change and does! Thank you for sharing this​:sunny:




That is awesome!! :clap:t3:


Your are an amazing inspiration! I went back to school as an older student and I know how much work it is! Congratulations on this monumental accomplishment! Keep it up!

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Thanks to each and every one of you for the kind words and encouragement it's nice to know I have some cheerleaders here. I have a very small support group so I love the fact that I now can make it a bit bigger. Thanks again everyone

Love :heart: this for you....

Such a great gratitude to share

Thank you

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You're doing great! I'm proud of you and happy for you. You deserve it!

You're welcome.....

My addiction also has taken me down the path of homelessness and tithe trap house lifestyle.

And in my recovery I've been finding a sense of self I never knew. Amd I'm living a life far beyond that which I ever dreamed

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