My boyfriend who is a functional alcoolic. Makes it hard

My boyfriend who is a functional alcoolic. Makes it hard sometimes not to drink.


Yikes ….. it’s hard enough as an individual let alone being in a relationship with another active alcoholic :pray:t3:


Hanging in there still?

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Came to live with someone I met at a psych hospital and relapsed soon after she did so I’m doing what I can to avoid her today and remain clean for myself


We can recover and stay sober regardless of circumstances. Living with an alcoholic doesn’t make it easier, but it’s not impossible. Believe me.

One of the most important things I learned in the program was that I don’t need an excuse to drink.


Wow…That takes strength I didn’t have. I had to cut ties to all the “friends” I associated with my drug addiction but they were always looking to drag me back into their misery. I guess it would’ve been different if they actually had respect for what I was trying to do when I got help. Good luck & stay strong!!


If you guys don’t live together then you should take some time apart. Early recovery is so hard. The most important thing is your sobriety. So guard it at all costs and try to meet some women in AA. I’m not sure what your definition of functioning alcoholic is but I’m pretty sure there’s no such thing. Alcoholism is a progressive disease and it will get bad or worse for him if he continues. Protect yourself! Good luck :+1:t2:


Yes i am. Im more of a binge drinker..i dont have problem not to drink everyday but not to drink every week its harder...more beeing with him. Im buying non alcoholic beer that helps

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My sobriety has to be my number one priority. Over relationships, family and money. With sobriety I can have everything. Without sobriety I get nothing but misery.
Took me years to finally realize this.
Best of luck to you :pray:


In early recovery our partners needs to respect what we are trying to do and not drink around you


You deserve better Mary!

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I’m only 7+ months over and my wife , who I’m separated from still drinks . I feel your pain , but I have come to understand that her choices can’t affect me .i have to stay sober for myself. I love her still but I have to come first, if she can’t stop. I will have to walk away

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Hello Mary

This is my opinion coming from a man. I was in a similar experience, codependent, and full of fear. I had to move away from people, places, and things and focus on the most important thing myself. I am one of nine boys, and I moved from North Carolina to Florida to get clean and sober.

That was the best thing I ever did for myself. My sobriety date is February 21, 2001… I do not regret to pass nor do I wish to shut the door on it. My past has given me experience on things, I do not want for me ever again.. we do recover 

If you want honesty ready the next paragraph. If you want kindness read this, god bless and good luck.

Honesty: one day you will have to choose to do what is the best for yourself.