She still doesn't want anything to do with me... it's been 8 months sober and years since she's seen me and barely speaks to me.
I'm sorry you're going through a hard time, I hope it eventually happens.Broken relationships take time, remember that. Keep working on your sobriety. You're doing great! I'm only at a little over a month and hope to achieve the 8 month mark.
Someone was having this issue in a recent meeting I attended and the responses from the old timers was basically this...let you actions speak for you, keep doing the right things, stay sober, work your program and in time they will see your changes and your progress...they will come around. Also, they have things to work through due to our behavior while have to give them the time they need to see the changes and process their own feelings. That's pretty much what I got from them in a nut shell...hope it helps, I understand it's painful and difficult. Prayers to you and your family!! Hang in there!!
I can speak to this through experience. I went through something similar. My oldest wanted nothing to do with me after the nightmare I’d put us through. We were essentially no contact until I was about where you are now in my sobriety journey. Even then it was just for dinner every couple weeks. I stayed the course and focused on what I had to do for myself. In time he came around more and more, albeit very slowly. Even today I only see him on weekends but our communication is better than it ever has been, but still feels award at times. Our relationship is different now but stronger. In my opinion at least. He’s a teenager. We did dive into family therapy last year, so that played a large part. But again, I focused on sobriety and myself and in time he saw the changes, improvements, and most importantly the growth.
I’ve seen that echoed in a handful of the relationships that were hurt by my drinking. It’s the time it takes sometimes that can be killer because you can’t really know when or if they’ll come back around. One day at a time! It’s all we’ve got sometimes.
thank y'all so much..... Y'all have helped me to keep hanging on, for real. Blessings in this community, y'all really do help me stay sober.