My fiancé relapsed a few days ago. I knew it even though he swore he didn't. But after he didn't sleep for 3 days straight and I smelled it on him, I was 90% sure he had been using. He crashed out and I went into his jacket pocket and found his pipe. Gen I went to the garage where he'd been spending all his time and found another two. I crushed them all and tossed them. He's going to be pissed but I don't care. He put my sobriety at risk and put my kids at risk. I just got them back! I don't get why our family isn't worth it to him or something. I quit for our family. I'm super proud of myself for not just using one of the pipes I found, although to be honest, the thought briefly crossed my mind. And back in the day if I caught him lying or being sneaky my first thought would be to go use. But I didn't. He's crashed out now after a 3 day bender complete with psychosis. When he wakes up I'll be telling him he needs to leave until he can stay sober. He's going to have to choose me or the dope. I can't do this anymore otherwise. My heart is broken. I guess I just needed to vent and cry. I'm angry too. Drugs screw everything up
I’m so sorry Kelli.. but you have to take care of you and your kiddos❤️that’s a huge accomplishment for not using girl.. super stoked for you.. good things to come!!
Yea you gotta take care of you, your kids and your sobriety. I think your ultimatum is warranted too. As far as not understanding why he does what he does….it’s the disease; he’s an addict. ❤️🩹
Aww that sucks, but focus on you and your kids
Kelli, I’m so proud of you. I’m sorry that you’re going through this. Addiction is a monster.
Can’t have that poison around kids- definitely a red flag- take care of you and your children. Boys make excuses men make changes. Good luck
As painful as it is , everything you said is true. Sounds like you know what to do, but you know very well it's not that your family doesn't mean enough for him to quit; that would be a discipline issue. He is an addict afflicted with a disease/mental disorder, whatever school u want to go by, but all recognize it is a pathology that controls our actions and thinking when in addiction. Regardless, he needs to go for the sake of your sobriety and your children's well being, so just explain what you just did in your post calmly and he should go voluntarily if he's worth a shite. If not, call the fuzz and file a DVP or restraining order. Again, for your sobriety and your children. I feel for him but you can't risk his usage and influence around.
Good luck dear
I'm sorry this happened to you. Really I am. I can tell you from experience that the best thing you can do with relationships is put them off for a few years after you get sober. You have to be very selective when choosing your partner who also has a history of drugs and or alcohol.
Relationships in early sobriety are a very bad idea. I have boatloads of stories that I can tell you why they don't usually work.
And yes the best thing that you can do is get him out of the house when he wakes up. Do what you ever you have to but don't let this jeopardize your sobriety. You've worked too hard for it. I also wouldn't allow him back into your life until he had a few years of sobriety under his belt.
Be very careful when choosing your partner. And make sure you go through all the seasons with your potential partner before getting married.
Word to the wise:
people who are worth having in your life will stand the test of time outside of your bedroom and outside of your bank account.