My girlfriend showed me a video of me blacked out. I can’t unsee it. Guilt, shame. I have to stop. Day one. Again.
Oh my goodness. I can only imagine.. I would not want to see myself that way.
You've got this. You can do it.
6 days ago I was at day one again as well. Day ones aren’t in a way the greatest day. It means though we may have tripped we got back up, dusted ourselves off and back at it. Keep it up brother, you got this!!
Take some time to rest up, eat well, let her know that you love her. You're back on your feet, be strong!
She’s talking about moving out. I think I really did it this time. I deserve that.
That must have been eye opening. Keep playing that tape over and over in your mind, as a reminder when you have an urge to pick up. We got your back man!
All you can do now is learn and grow from it.
Hey, I get it! My husband almost had to call an ambulance for me Wednesday night…. He probably should’ve. We’re alive and all we can do is keep trying. I’m here with you in the same boat if you ever want to chat! I know how eye opening it is to hear/see how bad it actually got.