My Gratitude Today

I'm grateful for...
My sobriety, prayer, My daughter and mom checking in on me thru the storm yesterday, had all I needed, didn't lose power, got thru storm w/o issues, ability to make amends today- w the willingness to make changes, big book study with girls yesterday, I can begin again in my day as many times as I need to- today I have options and choices, reminders to not take those things for granted, unseen forces at work for our good, I'm not in competition w anyone bc there is no finish line, new mindfulness prayer in the mornings, and for loving myself and others enough to keep going today!

Intention for the Day...
SEEK more of my Higher Power to SEE more of my Higher Power today!


Wowwwwwww, that book looks amazing!! All of that is the truth in my experience. Early on in sobriety, I felt like I had to "fix everything" that I had destroyed over the years. I wanted everything to happen yesterday!! I couldn't sit still. I am grateful for the 12 steps of AA, which taught me that being quiet and still is when I feel the closest to my Higher Power. Thanks for sharing this!!

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Ty for reading and sharing ur experience! Apologies for the late response, but I suppose I needed to see this today for a reason lol :upside_down_face: tysm for sharing! And for the reminder of being still... 🫶

He definitely doesn't make mistakes, so no need to apologize. I don't ever expect responses from anyone here. We all have lives that don't necessarily revolve around our phones and this app. I just appreciated and still appreciate any responses and engagement with sobriety. Extra bonus points for those talking about a Higher Power, which is responsible for returning me to sanity. :pray:t2::heart:

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