My Gratitude Today

I'm grateful for...
My sobriety, prayer, get to finally start exams this weekend, rent caught up, Mason checking in w me frequently about the exams and my position w Avenues, how truly blessed I am to have the help I have in every aspect of my life today- bc not everyone has that, getting sick while I have the time to be sick right now, getting to take this week to reevaluate some things in my life and in my recovery, a sponsor who loves me thru my stubbornness and isn't afraid to be honest w me, cooler temps this week and the whispers of fall coming, and for getting to be a part of something bigger than myself every single day that I wake up today- and reminders of that.

Intention for the Day...
To embrace all facets of wellness for myself today- mind, body, spirit.


That is so awesome Tris I’m so proud of you 

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Thanks. I appreciate you for posting this, I love reading anything that has to do with my recovery.. keep up the good fight

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Ty both! Apologies for the late response!

Big giant hugs!