My Gratitude Today

I'm grateful for...
My sobriety, prayer, finally getting my exams scheduled for this week, upcoming client sessions this week, opportunities to reach out to others yesterday, meeting I went to last night and the honesty that was shared about change and willingness, chats w women in recovery, feeling a Lil less sick today, long and pleasant chat with my mom yesterday, excitement to go back thru the steps with my current sponsor, willingness to be willing- the pain it took to get me there- and/ but/ also awareness of how stubborn that is and reminders that it's so much easier when I just surrender, and very grateful that half measures avail us NOTHING- bc an alcoholic like me DOES NOT need that wiggle room today!

Intention for the Day...
To be empowered in my vulnerability today, rather than be hindered in it. And allow others that same opportunity if given the chance.


Wow! You are doing it! You deserve this! Thankful for your vulnerability in this post. Our community needs you!

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Apologies for the late reply... tysm for ur response! I needed to read this today and I need yall too! Ty again🤍🫶🥰