My identity with alcohol and my relationship. I am lost

My identity with alcohol and my relationship. I am lost and i feel stuck. Feels like this hopeless will never end😩


M trying the whole 1 day at a time, but it's not working at the moment

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Try one minute then for the hour. There is hope for you Olivia, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. You’d never know the way if you weren’t lost. Keep going. It’s okay to be stuck, just know you’re not alone. You have a different identity in sobriety and it takes what it takes till the real you can emerge.



I'm sorry you're feeling this way. You can be unstuck for sure, I know you can be free of this.

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Sometimes the pause button is all we need. Break free of any situation or thing that threatens your sobriety.

I once thought my whole identity was being the life of the party and couldn’t fathom the idea of being sober. Flash forward a few years later, and I am a whole new person! I’m a much better mom & employee! Change is difficult and uncomfortable, but if you go through it, you may find a much happier you on the other side!


Hang in there Olivia! If you were hopeless you wouldn't be trying. I used to think I was hopeless, but I still asked for help. What I really needed was support. Let people help you

I have a little under 6 months of clean time and I struggled for the first couple of months but it definitely gets easier ever day not that I don't have hard days but you need to find something you like to do or help somebody else and that will help you alot by boosting your self esteem hang in there and keep talking to people or posting here and remember your addiction is not you

Olivia, believe it or not this hopelessness is just your addiction/ego efffing with you to get you back!
The new you, the better you will emerge. Give it time.
I was a hard core alcoholic for 3 decades and totally felt lost and hopeless in early sobriety, but I’m so efffing glad I finally stayed sober and built a new life, a new me. You can do this. I’m here if you want to talk

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I can totally relate, hang in there Olivia. Do you have a meeting that you go to?

I’m sorry that you feel this way, but Annie Grace can definitely help you so I urge you to please look her up. I borrowed both of her books from the library. This Naked Mind & The Alcohol Experiment … both very eye opening books!!! She also has a podcast & she answers reader’s questions on YouTube. I downloaded her free app on my phone called This Naked Mind Companion app where you will get support. She’s the best in this field & she will help you get rid of false beliefs & help you to get rid of shame & blame. Good luck!!!:purple_heart:

@olivia255593 Are you working on any type of recovery program? Or are you doing this on your own.

You can do this! I believe in you!

Sometimes we need to go second by second to get to minute by minute, it’s that serious. If you need to reach out, we’re here. You can do this!

Hey Olivia when I feel some type of way meditation is a tool that always help self awareness and mindfulness play a huge role in my mind. exercise builds my confidence, cleaning my house keeps me busy like nobody business. Eating healthy keeps me focused on my sobriety. God is my help I want to stay sober and he give me the option to do so. I don’t have any friends but I still have to deal with myself when I leave home and come back. Meditation has been keeping those unwanted thoughts to a minimum. I don’t yell at myself or those thoughts I’m kind to myself and those thoughts.

Hopeless not helpless. Get to a meeting talk with people who relate. They give numbers to every newcomer. Use them get through the moment and it will pass. Love and hugs sweetness