My marriage

I never thought I would end up in drug rehab again. 15 times now ( inpatient and IOP )I never thought I would hit rock bottom the way I did. But here I am, sitting in this sterile room, surrounded by strangers who are all battling their own demons.I’m so sad. Sad for the person I used to be, the person I could have become if I hadn’t let drugs take over my life. Sad for the relationships I destroyed, the opportunities I missed, the dreams I abandoned.
But as I sit here, listening to the stories of those around me, I realize that I’m not alone. We’re all here because we’ve been broken by our addictions. We’re all here because we want to heal, to rebuild our lives, to find a way back to ourselves.So, as I navigate the ups and downs of rehab, as I face my past and my present, I hold onto the hope that one day, I’ll be able to look back on this time and see it as the turning point in my life. The moment when I finally chose myself over the drugs that were slowly killing me. I’m so sad, but I’m also hopeful. And in this place of pain and healing, I know that I can find the strength to change, to grow, to become the person I was always meant to be.


You have guts ! You’re an inspiration to others like myself who have lost relationships etc.


I appreciate this so much. It is important for me to be open and honest about my experiences and share my journey to inspire and support others. The therapeutic value of one addict helping another addict , is without parallel.

Don’t dwell on the past. Don’t forget. Live Today.


Is the pain great enough to change yet?


Yes. One of my character defects is instant gratification. I want answers now. I want to fast forward this tape and see how it ends. Do I keep my wife, my home and my animals, or do I lose them? I practicing mindfulness where I’m reminded to take it one day at a time. Thank you for reminding me. I need this to grow.


Absolutely! This is not my rock bottom. But the pain and the consequences are extreme enough for me to change and live Recovery.

Every bottom has a trap door. You have to want it more than you want to continue with the suffering. Good luck. With God all things are possible. You just have to reach out and let him take your hand.


I believe in the power of the trinity and have willingly given myself over to it. This time around, I truly desire to change my ways and live a better life. I am proud to say that I am 78 days clean and serene today. Although I had previously been clean off my D.O.C for 6 years, I unfortunately relapsed on April 15, 2024. Looking back, I now realize that I was not as committed to my recovery as I thought I was. I am grateful for all the support and encouragement that has helped me on this journey towards staying clean.

I’ll pray for you my man. Forgive yourself and move forward. 24 hours at a time. Stay engaged with your recovery. Here is no finish line. Wait for the miracle. Trust God clean house and help others. Good luck


You sound like a wise man. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me

Good morning tony I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling. Don’t give up the faith brother. we are here to help support you. You are not alone. God bless you have an amazing day. I have you in my prayers.


The good news is, that you never have to feel or be like this again. Been there too many times and I feel for you. I was a chronic relapser too.
15 years ago I got super serious and made my sobriety the number 1 priority over finance, romance and even family! I went to 3 in person meetings daily for the several years, did the 12 steps multiple times with different sponsors and did tons of service work. It worked!
I’ll friend request you and we can talk if you want.

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Yes. Please do. I’ve got groups from now until 1600 est. I’m only able to respond because the peer support specialist is out the room. I’d love to hear your experience, strength, and hope. Thank you.

Tony I’m here when you get your phone privileges restored.

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Jesus is with you !

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There’s always a deeper rock-bottom. Our addiction craves the pain - but we have to decide when we are done hurting ourselves. When we are able to forgive ourselves, and then love ourselves again. That’s the two key factors to truly being done. Only that are we done with the pain. Good luck brother.

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You got this dawg keep it up hang in hold on and get ready for the ride !!

Man you said that well, thanks for sharing your story. How are you today?