My roommate relapsed…

I’ve been in treatment for 4 months now. My roommate for the past 3 months relapsed tonight. He hasn’t come home but claims he is safe. I know there isn’t much I can do in ways of helping him. I told him come back when he’s ready. I don’t feel like I have to drink, I don’t even want to drink. This is my third friend that’s relapsed since I got here. Why has it been so easy for me and so hard for others? I feel guilty sometimes, like I’m taking up space at my treatment center. I know this isn’t the case but it does cross my mind at times. I’m grateful for sobriety and all that’s come with it, but still struggling to believe I deserve it.
Benjamin Martin


You deserve it!!! You deserve a life that doesn’t cause you pain. At least in my situation, I caused myself so much unnecessary pain. And believe it or not, it’s never too late to start over. I’m 33, living at home with parents because I couldn’t afford inpatient treatment. I still need to learn how to continue this new lifestyle and you will need community. Those are your old ways of thinking. You can develop new ways that won’t be implicated by substances! Good luck! :four_leaf_clover: 🫶


Ben; you have to want to want it. Don’t worry about others. Just take good care of yourself. You deserve it!!! Wishing you happiness!!!!


You can only get sober for you and at your time. It's says to love your friends until they love themselves. But if they are still going to be your"friends" because you might have to wait until you are stronger for your sobriety. In a sense you won some you lose some

I get what your saying I felt that way I watched guys w years on me in sobriety relapse and die men who helped me get and stay sober .. ya see as horrible as it is by them relapsing and you getting to witness it it keeps you sober it’s a double edge sword for sure but if you’re getting to witness it that’s the gift to you to keep you sober. We all deserve a good life you’re no exception keep keeping on.

You can’t compare yourself to others. You DO deserve it!

Hi Benjamin, I totally get it. When I got sober a really close friend started ask questions and say he wanted to stop drinking before he retired. He asked me all about treatment and seemed set on it at times. He didn’t quit and died from the complications 10 months after he retired. Why me and not him? I have asked that a lot in 2.5 years. It is an eternal question. All I can do is live my life to the best of my ability. It’s definitely worth it. Stay strong my friend.

I don’t know why I’ve been able to stay sober and many others have gone out and died from this disease. All I can say is be grateful and stay. Everyone deserves to be sober and be free.