My son is gone

Thank you, Joshua.

Thank you, Edward.

Thank you, Teresa 🩵

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Sky, I'm so sorry. I know what it's like to lose a husband/best friend/sidekick in EVERYTHING. I'm sorry that you know what that feels like.
Like you, I know there's no more pain. No more lonely. No more insecurity. I miss my husband and my son. My son's loss is so fresh that at times it's hard to breathe still. I'm doing well though. 4 months clean today.

Oh Kelly its been 3years now n yes there are times it hurts really badly n I can hardly breathe, but I really do take it as an honour to do things in His memory, and things know He would be proud of me for. It kind of gives my life more meaning n direction to dedicate things to him in a way. My heart truly goes out to you with the loss of your son. As a mother n grandmother, i understand that deep connection n loss. All I can say is, in my world, my belief system is that only the body dies n the Spirit n essence ate eternal n therefore you can still have that presence n loving connection with you n soften that deep grief. Taking care of yourself n dedicating yourself to Sobriety is very much a way of honouring your loved ones in my view. My grandfather was a fireman n I have dedicated my Sobriety to Him to celebrate the Hero he was.He died at 49 from a heart attack, brought on by alcoholism n stress. He was giving n brave n hard working. I am honoured he was my grandfather. I’ll pray for you if that’s ok n keep you in my thoughts and prayers. It’s just one day at a time. You can do it! Hugs, Sky B​:star::eagle:🪶🦬:pray:t4::sparkles::rainbow::sun_with_face:❤‍🔥

I have had friends loose children and they all went to a lot of meetings and shared about what they were feeling. They have all said it helped them stay sober another day