My trigger is the 7pm hour. That’s usually when I

My trigger is the 7pm hour. That’s usually when I start drinking. What can I do to fill that void if I’m not drinking. I can do this. I know I can.


Move a muscle change a thought!

I think it’s important to remember it takes 90 days to form a new habit. It really helped me to stay busy especially early on. Find a 7 pm class - maybe that’s yoga, or pottery, a book club. I tried to choose things I enjoyed so it was easier to stick with. And the things I wasn’t so psyched about - bc they were unfamiliar and uncomfortable became enjoyable and built my self confidence. Don’t get down on yourself. Find a group of people (it doesn’t have to be recovery related) and focus on something else. Before you know it it’s way past 7. Don’t give up. You CAN do it - just one 7pm at a time


Google Annie Grace!’ She’s great & thanks to her I have been sober for over 8 months. She has a book called This Naked Mind & another book called The 30 Day Alcohol Experiment. I have her free app on my phone called The This Naked Companion App … please check her out

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Hit the gym or read a book. Maybe a meeting as well. Lot of options James you got this :raised_hands::pray:t3::muscle:


Phone a friend !

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See if there is a local meeting you can attend around that time.

Breaking the habit is a huge part of the difficulty.

I'm only a few evenings in so far myself, but do anything to get yourself distracted that's not your normal 7pm setting. Jump on this app and engage with some peoples posts, read something easy and enjoyable, do a puzzle, run an errand, etc. Some people also gave me some awesome suggestions on a recent post as well.

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I do a center prayer/releasing excercise. Look up centering prayer. Releasing is about asking your body to release whatever it wants to let go of and feeling the feeling rather than drinking it away. Helps go to sleep better and to start looking forward to release instead of drink

The ideas of doing something, filling that time and distracting yourself are so right on. I found that if I took a walk - even 5 or 10 min - when I wanted that glass of wine it helped get me out of the house, away from the stimulus, and bought me time and distance to consider what choice I really and truly wanted to make. The early days were definitely the hardest, but having the insight like you are to recognize your triggers is a massive step toward changing!

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That was my trigger. 7 pm! I called it the witching hour. This ap helped me stop the clock!!!!!

A meeting always helps me stay in a positive mindset by listening to others share their positive experiences. Google virtual AA Zoom meetings n I'm sure you can find one that starts at 7. Good luck hun

I’ve spent the last few nights sitting in front of YouTube taking free ukelele classes. I’ve never strum one in my life and never had an interest. Bought one on a whim. It’s easy and before I know it, I am already playing some songs and two hours go by and I go to bed.

Take a nice long hot shower

Find a specific hobby that easily keeps your mind distracted. I’m talking about something that takes enough concentration that you’re not thinking about anything else. I wood carve, draw and paint, and read books. While I’m doing any of those things I’ll be so focused I forget to eat sometimes. If you start doing something like that around 6 o’clock, 7 o’clock will pass you right by without you even realizing it.