


Nice work, Natalie! My profession as a teacher helped cause me to sober up. Good on you! 12 1/2 years sober going cold turkey.


Way to go Dirk

Powerful testimonial… I sure hope I can regain the trust of loved ones and family members again as well.

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Great read. Thank you for sharing and reminding us that our actions may have unintended consequences on others. :pray:t4:


Always nice to meet a fellow RN in recovery! Almost 18 years for me, one day at a time. Wishing you all the best in your journey.


Good job worth not losing it to addiction

Good work

Congratulations Natalie! Time and actions are much stronger than words! Stay strong!

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Also a nurse. My license is currently inactive and as this is my 2nd time that my addiction has affected my ability to practice, I struggle w fear that my license may be permanently revoked. I was approached by investigators from the Boards of Nursing and Pharmacy July 29, 2022. While being confronted by them, I inactivated my license and was in treatment within 3 hours. I’ve been working with a monitoring company since I came home from treatment and I am so thankful for recovery and program of AA. I haven’t received any information from the Board as of yet…and rely on God, my sponsor, support, and work of the program of AA to help cope w the far of facing consequences for a 2nd time. :pray:t3:



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Thanks for sharing your story. I’m a mom and nurse also, so I can really relate. I wish I could afford this program. I’m currently unemployed and just got out of inpatient treatment yesterday


Hi Micah. I have a similar story and am now almost 18 years sober. Hang in there! What state are you in? Just curious about your program. Sounds like the alternative to discipline program in my state.


I’d like to privately message you :slightly_smiling_face: and lyk more and maybe get your feedback? I added you as a friend

Sure. That would be fine

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This program is free, Sara, as far as I know.



Thank you, John. I appreciate that. Congratulations and here’s to a healthy road to recovery for you as well.:relaxed::star_struck:

Nursing is hard sometimes. I quit drinking 2+years ago and traveling Nurse now. If I drank it would all come crashing down. Hang in there, your worth it! Your an inspiration.

Must be miserable cold turkey. Wow