Need motivation

How do you replace your addiction with something else? How do you fight with being clean?


I am heavy into meetings and therapy sessions! If I can’t attend a local meeting there are so many online meetings you can attend through zoom!!! I love them!


Yes, lots of online meetings. Also physical exercise or tasks tire me out and take my mind off things.


Sessions don't help me. I am a closed out person

Therapy wont help if you are not honest. So ask yourself if you been honest during your sessions.

You need a new healthy hobby. Replace the using with healthy hobby. Dont like the new hobby. Try a new one.


I'm working a ton of overtime. Just staying busy


Exercise. Every day. Like your life depends on it. Bodies in motion stay in motion.


Good morning Ashiana

I do not fight anymore. I am so grateful that I realized I already lost the fight drugs and alcohol beat me to a hopeless state of mind and body.

Today I do my best to help the second suffering addict and alcoholic.

I worked the 12 steps in my life on a daily basis I sponsor men and women and I do my best to work the spiritual principles in my life today.

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Karl Thank you so much for sharing


I started with baby steps; What small thing can In do today to steer this ship in a slightly better direction? How can I celebrate life today, sober? It all adds up.

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Work your steps

Try out different options and figure out what works for Y O U.

Meetings do not work for everyone.
If they do work, work out for you…fantastic!

There are hobbies to explore and physical exercise really does make a difference.

Now-more than ever…
There are countless books, podcasts, resources on overcoming addiction.

Take it second by second, especially in the beginning.
If that is what is required.

I could not handle thinking about remaining sober for a full day and / or even for a handful of hours in the beginning.

I made it through five to ten minutes at a time…especially when starting out…the seconds and minutes add up.
You start building up the momentum.

You can become and remain sober.
Let us know how it is going!