Need Sponsor or Support

I’m 26 days sober, finding that AA is not really for me but feeling that I do need some kind of sponsor or support. I’m not quite sure how to get a sponsor or someone that’s sober to talk to and lean on. Any one have any advice or know where I can turn to for some support on staying sober? I would Appreciate it. Thank you


Hey! AA wasn’t for me either when I tried it years ago. I found other ways to get sober and stay that way. Going on 2 years now. Reach out if you need someone to chat with.

Great question Emily! There are many paths to recovery and staying in recovery. I do AA, and I think AA has many great and proven ideas. I also believe that you can take the concepts and traditions of AA and incorporate them into your program of preference. Sponsorship is one of them. I see sober coaches are becoming popular. Also, apps like this have programs. I think you have to pay for these, but it’s a bargain if they help. It’s great that you are reaching out for help! That’s a really good sign. Recovery is a choice. Keep choosing recovery


AA helped me a lot at first because it was what I thought was my only option. It didn’t get me sober though! I got me sober but after doing so I found a book called This Naked Mind by Annie Grace. There is also an app called this naked mind, she also does podcasts. It’s all very good. I also practice Dudeism! But that’s just like my opinion man! :call_me_hand:t3::call_me_hand:t3::sunglasses:


Try TLC an online group! AA isn’t for me either. Tried it and over 25 different meetings for 12 years. Some of it works for me. Some doesn’t. But they are right about connection and community. TLC is giving me that. Find a program that works for you or blend a few. Happy to chat! You are in a good space here. It is the space that put me on the path to recovery!

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Thank you so much to everyone! Very helpful :pray:t2:

Emily, I love podcasts.. that’s my main recovery program. My favorite ones are Recovery Elevator, A Sober Girls Guide, Seltzer Squad, Recovery Happy Hour and Recovery Rocks. Also reading books about peoples journeys helps a lot. There’s also a lot of groups you can find if you look on Facebook and instagram. Feel free to DM me too, and I’ll give you my number.

Great job on 26 days, it gets easier, I promise you :purple_heart:


AA works. Works even better with a sponsor to guide you through the program.

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AA is not for everyone. No crime in that. There are others. A friend prefers the Luckiest Club. She said it costs about 20.00 a month. She says it less than she spent on booze and well worth it. I personally never tried it.
You can check out Gillian Tietz's website, podcast and YouTube videos called Sober Powered. Lots of great info there. I like the podcast. I listen in my car. My friend likes the video
Best of luck reach out anytime

Russell Brand has sooooo many sober resources! An amazing book, a podcast, and a gazillion YouTube videos on Recovery!

I was gonna smart recovery is my favorite too

Love this!!

I am AA and Life Recovery.. but all in all it's about self cleaning after realizing you've been whipped however it happens to be and having a clarity experience

John, she already said it's not for her. I'd say that 12% or LESS isn't that great. It works for some people. Don't be a zealot.

Emily, I'm just over 4 months in, and meds and therapy were my primary answer. I attend group therapy, individual therapy, and one weekly AA Speaker meeting when I can. While I am not, nor do I intend to, work any 12-step, the Speaker meeting is good for socializing and hearing stories. Maybe find friends for yourself somewhere like that, or on here.

Like others have said, explore other programs, take what you need, and don't rule anything out without looking into it.

I’ll be your sponsor

Get the Small Book. It’s rational recovery. It’s helping me.

Hey Emily. Message me anytime. I have over a year.

Thank you so much :pray:t2: