Never been happier to be sober. Danny and I went to

Never been happier to be sober.

My bf and I went to Ludington to do some shopping and got flicked for "not using my turn signal" then proceeded to tell me my eyes looked dilated (granted I smoked one before hand) and asked if I had any of the drugs (that he proceeded to name off) in the car or on me or my bf, I said no. Then asked about stimulats and medications I may take, again I said no. He gave me a test with a eye dialler chart, told me what I averaged. Another cop then pulled up as the first searched my car after asking my bf to step out. A third pulled up on scene as the cop was about finished and he proceeded to finish search and gave us back our IDs and insurance. Then let us go and they proceeded to take off.

25 days sober today.


So you stopped what to be sober? You are still smoking ? How does that workout ?

All I do. Might not be most people's typical being clean but I been clean off hard drugs and alcohol for the last 25 days and so

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Huge props for another sober day, each one is a stepping stone to a better you!

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Great job

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It's your body. You know what's best.

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