New Beginnings

One of the easier parts about entering the recovery side off addiction is quitting the actions (drinking, drugs, etc). The harder part is surrounding yourself with people that want to see you succeed. That's where I'm struggling. They all (family and friends) want me to go back to drinking, because I was fun to be around. They don't understand that I knew it was becoming a serious problem for me, and that I had to quit and get myself to AA, or something bad was gonna happen. Anyways, 2 months sober, and a lifetime to go! This app is awesome, appreciate yall. (Pic was after work yesterday lol)


Ummmm I don’t know what you were like while drinking but imo sober you is pretty effing awesome :man_shrugging:t2::+1:

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"Normal" people just don't get it. Keep doing what you're doing bud! One step at a time!