New here! First post

New here! First post...who can tell me the symptoms I’ll endure of detoxing? Would like to mentally prepare myself.

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It depends on what substance. But, you should talk to a doctor because it is very important to monitor.


I replied in another thread but it's important to know what your drug of choice is and what your intake is. Honestly if there's any doubt at all in your mind you should consult a professional, which ideally involves going through medical detox. There's no shame in it.

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If you go to the sobriety help section of the app and tap the telehelp tab there is a list of people who can help you prepare for the road ahead. Tap the drop down menu at the top right corner and then tap the sobriety help button

First thing first, keep a doctor in the loop. Seizures, sweats, and panic attacks are symptoms of detox.

Alcohol and in the evenings.

Definitely contact a doctor if you can- or go to detox if it’s alcohol. Alcohol and benzo Withdrawal can be lethal

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