New to recovery

Hi, I am Jim. I am fresh out of rehab and trying to get myself back to happiness. Trying to love myself is the hardest part. Much love to all of you who are struggling.


Welcome Jim! Glad to see you reaching out. Do you have local support or meetings that you’re going to? Get as much strength under you as you can. You’re hitting the ground running, keep it up!

You will learn that forgiveness of yourself is a big part of recovery. It’s a big part of my journey. Let go of the guilt and be better one day at a time.

Welcome Jim!


Welcome Jim :pray:

I have found a lot of supportive people here. I'm glad you found us!

I have been there for the longest time (self forgiveness something of a struggle for me is putting it mildly) what has so so so helped me lately is Doctor Gabor Mate's work...he has talks on utube regarding childhood/generational/cultural trauma...and how we can end up addicts as a survival mechanism. :broken_heart: his work has helped me beyond anything...forgiving me...hugging and loving the scared little girl I once was. Gabor is an eloquent speaker and world wide best selling author...I can't recommend enough

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Working the 12 steps w a sponsor helps.

Welcome Jim. Keep in touch :pray: