New to this app

My name is Jess and I'm an addict. I've been using fentanyl for almost 2 years now off and on. I was also using meth, but, thankfully, I'm almost a year sober off of that stuff. I got sober off fentanyl for 3 months and then relapsed. I haven't been able to get myself back off of it since, and it's been almost 6 months. BUT, I've been trying to taper off of it though, so I'm counting that as a win! :slight_smile: Hopefully soon I'll be able to consider myself sober and clean again.. Anyway, I'm new to this app and just wanted to introduce myself! Hello everybody!


Hi Jess. I am sorry for your struggles. I too have been here. WE DO RECOVER... It takes a lot of work, consistency and will power bit is very possible


Hi, Josh! Thank you so much for the kind reply! I know that because I have gotten sober before I can do it again :muscle:

Welcome here.

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Join us on the sober side Jess we’d love to welcome you in. Write your heart out, we can help you get there.

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Thank you Gary that means a lot!!

Welcome Jess!

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Welcome to here. Hope you get to the clean & sober you, sooner than later. Best to you

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Thank you so much!!!

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