Newly sober. Questioning whether I’m really an alcoholic. I don’t

I thought I was being social. I thought I was social. I was certainly more animated but in the end was always chasing the next drink and thinking I was braver and more extroverted than I really was. In the end, was a series of destructive behaviors that over time eventually caught up to me. It was always someone or something else, not me to cause the downfall. I know it was me and my drinking. So it shall be.

You’re questioning it , you are! We can make excuses and debate with ourselves..but if you have the least bit of doubt are.
Please do yourself a favor. Start finding the answers by going to a meeting and listen.
Love & Light

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Google the "20 questions to help you decide if you may be alcoholic. Be honest with yourself. I qualified on all 20 when I did it years ago ! Joined AA and haven't had the desire to drink since. Getting honest with myself was the hardest part. AA for me was a gift from God and I thank Him every day morning and night for my sobriety - all as a result of those 20 Questions.

Hey! I deal with that mentality sometimes still even tho ive been sober for 559 days. The thing with AA and support groups like this is that we are just a community to support and understand one another thru the commonality of wanting to stop drinking. You dont have to label yourself right now. Sometimes it can sound really intense or too much to call yourself an alcoholic. If you recognize that you dont want to drink anymore, or think you may have a problem when you drink, then youve come to get support and thats amazing! You dont have to label yourself if you dont want to. Just take it one day at a time. Im glad youre reaching out!


If you can’t stop.and you keep tel you get have a problem.get help!!!

I understand the questioning and have come to see that it is better/easier/healthier to choose not to drink and to never question the decision. Good luck Erin

Same here. Had transitioned several times from drinking to sober, with each cycle gradually getting worse. I am fortunate to have pursued sobriety when I did. After drinking for years, prospective after sobriety seems to be more interesting and fulfilling(for me). Although difficult at times, finding new ways to relax or have fun turned into reshaping some thought processes into a healthier/peaceful state. Wish you well and some luck discovering what works best for you.

Good question, it hovers over the main question in Good and Evil, the best trick the Devil ever pull off, is that he let you think he does not exist,

Now is alcohol cause any problems when you introduce it into your system, really think about it...

Mental ,physical, legal, financial, it caused me a lot of depression, loneliness, bad friends, at the same time AA did the opposite and still is if I give it a chance, do service ,run meetings, realy share

Thank you :pray:

Try not drinking on your own.

Same reason I'm here. Told my self I did not have a problem. I drink too much and mess up my relationship. This past week I went over the line drinking way too much and sneaking booze. My partner was so mad but supportive this time because he was concerned. We had an honest conversation and I can now say I am an alcoholic and need to stop hurting myself and others. I'm on day 3 and I know day 30 I will feel great hopefully. It will be hard but there's more to life than drinking. I heard a quote that said I'd rather lose one thing and gain everything❤️

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