"Next time someone tells me they believe in God, I'll

"Next time someone tells me they believe in God, I'll say 'Oh which one? Zeus? Hades? Jupiter? Mars? Odin? Thor? Krishna? Vishnu? Ra?...' If they say 'Just God. I only believe in the one God,' I'll point out that they are nearly as atheistic as me. I don't believe in 2,870 gods, and they don't believe in 2,869."

Ricky Gervais

If you are struggling with the higher power part of the program, keep in mind you aren't the only one. Even those who claim to have a belief in a higher power/God have to ask themselves which one and equally deny all the other possibilities. Dont be scared to question this part of our thinking as well the options we've created for ourselves. You can recover without having to turn your will and life over to a Higher Power no one has yet to understand, let alone pinpoint. Recovery can be practical. It doesnt have to be spiritual right away or even ever.

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Not so

Recognizing God or not.He's the only one and the only way you afford to do anything and that's not religious That's a fact


Ere'one has a right to their understanding but as the spirit leads so will the understanding...if one cannot believe what they see how much easier is it to believe what cannot be seen? Praying for the spirit to lead :pray: Amen.

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I was an atheist for the majority of my life. Finding God helped. My belief in God/Jesus are a little different from what the church teaches and might be considered atheist. I think a lot of any religion is mostly symbolic.But I'm not here to bible thump you because I always hated that. Just know that this suffering isn't for nothing and God has a plan for all of us.


I appreciate you putting your beliefs out there as you have every right. It's pretty common to want to defend your beliefs when someone else is saying otherwise, so I understand and respect your need to comment. I will, however, say that RWR isn't shtting on your God or belief by stating and offering up a space to recover without religion. But I really wanted to be clear on something because this is the argument for the ages, and I say this kindly: Nothing we have today has proven, albeit not disproven, scientifically without a shadow of doubt that God does or doesn't exist. What we do have is belief, and the beauty of humans is our beliefs, right or wrong. I say this because you choose the word fact, and I know you mean well, but in plain words, and by the definition we have all accepted, there is nothing stating God is a fact. NOW: I'm not arguing whether God is or isn't. What I am arguing is that there are many ways to recover and for some recovery Without Religion works for them. You can't simply argue such a massive discussion with "not uh". I know you mean well and want everyone to find their peace however it happens. I urge you to consider the phrase " that's a fact" because facts require tangible irrefutable proof. All we have so far is feelings, opinions, experiences based in beliefs, and then just good old-fashioned beliefs. It doesnt hold water in the end. I'll leave you with this and hope we can agree to disagree.

"The existence of God is not subjective. He either exists or he doesn’t. It’s not a matter of opinion. You can have your own opinions. But you can’t have your own facts."

Big love big guy. Stand strong