No bs. Since I quit drinking over a year ago

self care and exercise is all i can recommend! Ill be praying for a quick recovery

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Do not give up.

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I was hopeful antidepressents would take the edge off. Not to mention I had 3 close losses in 3yrs(fiance,brother,bestfriend) I felt better initially but my body is screaming get off it. All the things I was on can negatively effect your liver. Not saying alcohol didn't play a part but my liver labs were normal 2yrs ago. I'm rambling now lol but yes time heals all and I pray my liver restores itself because it's scary.


Ty not giving up💛

Ty, that's exactly what I've been doing and I do feel better. I read somewhere online this weekend that all diets work if you stick to them. I bought aa scale and weigh myself every morning. I try to journal what I eat to prevent snacking. And started taking the stairs at work. Bby steps. I also quit my antidepressants cold turkey. And besides one night of insomnia I feel great. I take melatonin again to sleep and haven't felt more rested. Sometimes you need to listen to your body/conscious.

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Definitely! most importantly enjoy the journey! life is absolutely amazing when we shift our energy

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