No bs. Since I quit drinking over a year ago

No bs. Since I quit drinking over a year ago my heath has rapidly declined. Not even 2 weeks after I got sober I gotten gallbladder issues. Possible pancreatitis because of a similar dull pain. I've gained 35lbs. My mental heath is garbage on antidepressants. I isolate myself. I had a irregular mamogram I'm suppost to go back in 6 months. Like what else?! Im so fed up. Fear seems to be my motivator so on a strict diet. Not for looks but genuine health. I'm just sick and tired about feeling sick and tired. That's all. One day at a time.


Lisa hang in there :pray:t3: weight gain is normal you will drop
It as long as you eat better and add some exercise….. I was in the same boat with the meds… they were driving me crazier even though they helped at first. I’m off of them now and feel a lot better. :pray:t3: ODAAT

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I appreciate that because even tho I think it helps with my anxiety I feel like I'm going a tad crazy. Me realizing I should go off them (against my drs wishes) and I'm actively exercising and have a cpl groups to check out, add a therapist and hopefully I'll be back on track. But I just feel like a hot mess rn and counter productive.

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Well if you need any support about nutrition let me know.

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Im sorry. Hope you feel better soon. Glad you are making healthy choices. Hugs

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We all abused our bodies for a long, long time while we were drinking and drugging, and probably didn’t even realize it because we were self medicated. Now that we’re sober, these issues are more prevalent because were more aware of them. There is an old saying that if you walk 5 miles into the woods, you’re gonna have to walk 5 miles out. Keep doing what you’re doing one day at a time and everything will right itself including your mind, body and soul. God bless and good luck. 


Stay strong :muscle::pray::muscle: you can overcome this battle :muscle: God has a plan for us all. Just keep going :muscle:

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Are you working with a sponsor?

My Dr put me on a few medications and vitamins. Just got some test results back and my liver function is right below the normal marker. I never had issues before and I believe it's from all the stuff I'm taking. I done with it all. Exercise will be my new form of medication. I truly think if I lose 50 lbs it will improve everything down to my cholesterol. I went 45yrs not taking anything and I just don't think my body responds to what I'm on. I'm almost scared to take anything rn.

Ty Miguel. I pray daily🙏🏼

I'm not. I do have a meeting I'm interested in that meets on Tuesdays so once my son was done with basketball I'm going to start going. You guys are my sponsor rn lol.

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Ty that really resonates :heartbeat:

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It could be worse... You could be in this health AND still drinking/making it much worse.
At least this way, they are able to better diagnose and treat without wondering how much is coming from current levels of poison.

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If you need help with your diet let me know.

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I feel like it would be a death sentence if I started back up. My test results I got last night really scared me.

Ty. I've been fasting and taking in about 1000 calories a day. I'm not sure how to diet but just eat less. I love veggies and fruit. Wondering if my age has something to do with hormones. I can't get below a certain weight. I got a fire lit in me and that's to survive. We just take so much for granted.

Personally, I see no shame in weight gain. Sure, I've been in the same boat where I felt ugly that I was gaining weight from my meds, but with just a little bit of learning to love yourself is very crucial! No one can be, think, look perfect and be always right in this world. They just can't. And for those who think it's possible to be perfect, needs to be re-evaluating that perfection does not exist in this world as everyone has flaws. Even the ones who you think look perfect, has some sort of demons in the dirt.

But if you want to lose the weight anyways, NO SHAME IN THAT EITHER! Just find ways to boost metabolism, eat better, and go to the gym. Workout supplements are going to be your best friend as they were with me. (IE: pre workout, Whey/soy protein, and BCAA's!)

I’m here if you want to talk about sponsorship.

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Hang in there. I felt so much worse after but was told that was just because of all the damage I did and tried to cover up. The body is resilient it just takes time.

It's affecting my health tho. My good and bad cholesterol both suck. Liver is suffering I hope just from to many meds. I'm extremely confident (80%) of the time. But I've let things get out of hand. My gallbladder warned me a year ago and the second I felt better back to old eating habits. I have no one to impress or desire to so it really is for me. I should have listened to my body.