Nope. I didn’t forget I chose

My gratitude program does not include writing something down every day. I’m just feeling a placeholder right now, because I have very powerful gratitude exercises that are not just to put me in gratitude by express how grateful I am to be drawing breath every hour.

I could write things down, but at this stage in my program, this would be a chore that would annoy me and detract from the tools that I’m already using, which are more powerful. This is a good tool presented here, and I think that a great many people can benefit from it. For me at this stage of life it’s kind of like me being a micromanager of myself if I try to write something down and then try to figure out where it is and then remember to read it and go through all these hoops that I have to jump just to use a tool like this.

I would rather use more powerful tools that I have worked for literally decades to build that are now innate to me and part of my existence .

I don’t need to convince myself that I am in gratitude, because I actually do feel it spontaneously throughout the day

Stepping back and acknowledging gratitude in the moment is huge and takes practice. It's easy and can be shallow to say thank you, btit's good for you to feel and experience gratitude. Writing it down after the fact still helps me get better at real time thankfulness. Thanks for sharing Grant. Interesting.

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