Not having a good day

I’m new to this app and community. I relapsed Friday but have been 100% alcohol/drug free since. And I’m struggling. I don’t know why, I just feel really stressed and unhappy. I feel like I need an outlet or hobby of sorts but I have no idea what I like to do outside of drugs and alcohol. Alls I know is I want to break something but I don’t think that’s healthy. Did anybody else experience this early in sobriety? What did you do to help yourself? I don’t even want to go home and be with my family, I just want to escape.

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You need to surround yourself with peers. You’re not alone and what you’re going thru is very common. Attend meetings asap… share your struggles so that someone there can help you understand :pray:


Thank you. I’m scared to do in person meetings in my area, and I’m not sure how to find any online but I’d love to do an AA meeting, I think that’d help a lot. Thank you.


Wanting to break something isn’t necessarily unhealthy. Depending on what you’re breaking. She everybody will tell you to go to meetings. Nothing wrong with that, but I’d recommend possibly getting into therapy. That will help you more with the stress and unhappiness, as well as recovery. Finding the root cause. My experience with meetings in my past, they didn’t help me. Hearing people talk about their addiction and recovery isn’t bad, steps aren’t bad, but doesn’t always help as it’s individual to each person.

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Download The Meeting Guide app and you can filter for online only BUT nothing beats in person … to see that person face to face with the same struggles as you


I am sober just over 5 months. I went to IOP ( intensive put patient therapy) and I am currently in AA. I feel exactly the same way. Sad, lonely depressed and stressed. I’m told this is normal for this stage of sobriety. I HIGHLY recommend in person AA. There is an app called meeting guide and lists 100s of in person and online meetings. I started online but get so much more from in person meetings. I had the same fears about in person, but when I actually went I ran into people I knew and it was fine. Like we shared a common problem. No embarrassment. I recommend outpatient, AA and a sponsor. I’m still struggling but I’m sober


Thank you, I am in therapy and it’s helping a bit. It’s nice to hear that AA wasn’t the end all to be all for someone though, it feels very forced to be honest

Thank you, I will have to download that app to try online meetings first. I just do not like group settings, they make me extremely uncomfortable

You have to get out of your comfort zone because nothing changes if nothing changes :pray:


You are right, thank you. I think I’d still like to do online first though. I’ll download that app you were talking about and get working on it, thanks for the push!


For sure you got this! It does get easier you just have to have patience and work what ever program you decide fits you.

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