Not just the drink and drug

Anyone else struggle with substitutes? :frowning:


Try to stay in my lane but sometimes it isnt easy

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Of course I tried substitutes. I tried many! They all ended up at my drugs of choice. I had to get ABSOLUTELY CLEAN. Then through the steps, I learned why I’m an addict and what my triggers are. Once I figured all that out, sobriety was much easier. Going back to drinking & drugs seems stupid and very painful.


I’m talking about intimacy. It’s so awful bro. Intimacy and money drives me nuts.

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I’ve maybe had an easier time about not trying to substitute but not for any easier reasons. Fear keeps me from going back and until I’m too afraid of being in that dark place. I won’t have enough fear not to go there.

To make that more specific to your post, and to my particular program:
I am so terrified of what will happen to my life if I were to pick up the bottle again that I am afraid to open another door for my addiction to lead me back to that terror.

So bottom-line for me, regardless of details and situations, is that I’m more afraid of screwing up my life with something new than I am of not having something to comfort me

I’m still working on unscrewing my life from screwing it up so bad, man

Absolutely. This is the first time I’ve tried really learning and practicing the tools. So I’m hoping I’m doing it right this time. S

I’m talking about intimacy, money, etc, the other 117 anonymous rooms out there lol.