Obsession to drink

After 15 months of sobriety I relapsed two weeks ago. I now have 4 days sober. I have a serious obsession to drink. I'm going to meetings but it doesn't help.


I was almost to 90 days and did the same. What is your plan to stay sober? How did you get to 15 months?

I went to outpatient and a lot of AA meetings. Worked very hard with my sponsor. I'm considering going back to outpatient. My plan is to continue going to meetings and working with my sponsor. Also to stay connected with other sober people.


Don’t be discouraged, took me 3 tries before it stuck.
For me, sobriety was the problem, I had no tools or support to deal with emotions or life’s challenges (was drunk for my formative years, so I never learned how ) You’ve got the Sponsor- GREAT! Keep working the steps to clean out the wreckage and ALWAYS, ALWAYS ask your HP to help- He delights in doing so.


Hello Sonya

I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling but I’m happy to hear you got four days back. The main thing that helped me in early sobriety was to take on a commitment to focus on the commitment, and helping others took the thought away from picking up a drink or a drug.

Are you going to meetings? Do you have a sponsor? Are you working the steps 


Sonya, hi.
Congratulations on remaining sober for 15 months-that is no small feat and I hope that you are giving yourself credit and props for this!

Also congratulations on-for having a plan in place.

Often times-( the following is easier said than done )-while try to not beat yourself up and acknowledge that you are capable of remaining sober.

Take life moment by moment if a 24 hour period feels too overwhelming.

I used to get excited when I could make it through a handful of hours ( or less )-without ingesting alcohol.

Wishing you the best-and let us know please, how things are going!

Yes I go to meetings everyday and I have a sponsor. Starting the steps over. Thanks.


Thank you Sarim

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That’s awesome. I’m so proud of you. do you have a commitment in your home group maybe as a greeter?

I have a commitment to lead the meeting every other week. The home group let me keep it even though I relapsed.


I have had a similar problem. I talk to my doctor and now I get a shot every month that helps control my urges. It’s called
Vivitrol it’s an opioid blocker but also controls urges for alcohol. I didn’t believe it at first, but I haven’t had a drink in eight months and I haven’t even thought one.

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That’s awesome. I’m proud of you. Keep up the amazing work.

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So glad you are back with 4 precious days, it's part of recovery. That 1st drink triggers our alcoholic brains to crave more. I love this quote: The pain of regret is much worse than the pain of perseverance. We're all in this sht together!

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You know that you are capable, you’ve already proven it. If you have A Higher Power then all the pieces are in place. Stay as busy as hel. Take up a hobby or 2 if you gotta. 24 hours. U got it😎

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Good job on getting 4 days under your belt. Meetings aren’t for everyone I didn’t go to meetings. Sobriety is a mindset. Try writing down your goals and pro’s and con’s . The pro’s from being sober will out weigh the con’s. Because life is # 1 in the positive. When I got sober I only had maybe 6 months to a year to live if I didn’t stop drinking. Here I am almost 9 years later.

Don’t feed the demon it wants to kill you! Keep sharing your struggles and asking for help! Get numbers and call them we don’t do this alone :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3:

Are you working the steps with a Sponsor?
I was a chronic relapser for years. I had to go deeper into my program until I figured out exactly what works for me.