Ok so how do you decide to quit? I

Everyone needs to come to their own conclusion about their drinking. Unfortunately, I minimized and rationalized my drinking for 20+years. So after years of struggling with controlling and trying to “manage” my drinking, I finally had to hit my bottom which consisted of friends and family not wanting anything to do with me because I’m the kind of selfish, self-centered, ego maniac type of alcoholic that became angry, emotional, and suicidal. I’m almost envious of people who are “sober curious” and dipping their toe in the sobriety water. I definitely received the gift of desperation. Hopefully, it doesn’t take you years to figure it out if you are an alcoholic or not. If you don’t have an issue, it shouldn’t be too difficult to stop for as long as you want to stop. There is the obvious physical dependence that happens after a period of time of drinking continuously, but the “mental obsession” was by far the worst for me.

Make a pros and cons list and you’ll see that quitting has more benefits all around and that mind game eventually gets easier. I made a definite decision to stop and said I’ve had enough for my whole lifetime.

Little by little that “escape” became more important than anything else. I could put up with “life”, as long as I knew that drink/drug/compulsive behavior was waiting for me at the end of the month/week/day. I looked forward to that escape more and more as time passed. Unfortunately, I needed to “escape” more and more as my life became more and more unmanageable. Then one day, the “escape” just wasn’t enough. It stopped masking the pain. The pain was getting thru more and more. The only solution was to quit and learn how to handle life without feeling the need to escape. That’s when I decided to quit

If you decide that it is in your best interests, then you take it one day each and every day. This is when your selfish instincts take over and you decide to get sober and stay sober because it’s something you want, feel, or need to do or all three, and darn the torpedoes. Do this for you and nobody else but you…:relaxed:

Well. It takes something strong. Then, one you have the momentum going, you keep it going. Solid

When you sick and tired of being sick and tiered you will quit. For me I got tiered of loosing everything good in my life like my Joy peace and happiness also all my freedoms and things like cars trucks apartments jobs friendships exedra! I was sick and Tired I hope you don’t get to that point it is quite painful

All I could ever do is decide to quit for today. And then say if I’m still around tomorrow I’ll decide then. Gratefully I’ve made the decision each day since then to not pick up a drink.

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It’s so individualized. For me, it was live or die.

I would do these sober challenges with my friend. Like sober October or dry January. The only thing wrong fir me is each time I quit when I picked back up again it got worse. The arrogance and selfishness was stronger. It’s like my mind says that look you got a month in you don’t have a problem. Then right back at it. until my consequences stacked up big… I’m now at peace and sober over 3 years, rebuilding my relationship and living one day at a time.

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I tried the method of reducing the number if days per week and the number if drinks but unfortunately I got back into it again and again. I went cold turkey. Like some have said. You need to hit rick bottom. I used to feel so depressed and lethargic. One day, I said to myself " Simon you got so much to live for so don't drink yourself to death". I quit. But careful. Don't hang out with the same crowd that you drink with. Find alternate wYs like hoping to the park, reading a good book, picking up a hobby like learning Feng Shui . Occupy your mind and time with something that gives you pleasure.

When I did it, I knew it was for life.

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Once I start up again I can NOT quit when I want to. I am powerless over my addiction.

To answer your question yes. Not everyone is a full blown alcoholic who cannot put it down. If you choose to stop drinking for a period of time and can do it you may be someone who abuses alcohol use but isn’t necessarily an alcoholic in need of a program. For many of us it’s not just the drink, when we stop we become unhappy miserable people until we can’t handle life without alcohol anymore and we drink again. Some of us have been given the gift of despair and we can use that along with AA to quit. I was able to quit for a month or two many many times but I always ended up drinking or drugging again. It took me 6 months in AA to begin realize my problems were much deeper than the drink or drug. I didn’t think correctly. I didn’t handle life correctly. I didn’t manage my emotions correctly. I could go on and on and on. Maybe listen to some AA material online. It can’t hurt to try it.

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Yeah I did this for years. Now I’m at about two months. Honestly, I started by just following sober accounts on Instagram. I added them whenever I came across them and just having their stories in the realm of my consciousness I think prepared me. Seeing these posts every day was a reminder that is was possible. And then one day, I went from, “there’s no way I will ever do this,” to, “it’s time.” And made the necessary adjustments

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And ask yourself, are you living for the moment when you quit for the month or are you waiting the moment out to have that drink. If your waiting you may wanna learn how to live for today.

In my humble opinion. You will quit when you admit your powerless over alcohol and surrender yourself to God :100:.

Over the years I found myself doing a yearly cycle. So get the monthly thing. I never get bad enough that it's life or death.
Every year around Christmas I peak with being fed up with myself and feeling like s*hit. I quit then stay sober for about 3 months or so. Then I guess I forget or I feel like I'm good to have a few on every couple weekends then it always progresses to every weekend. Summer comes and I drink more... then I'm back to wine every night to unwind after work and having a good one on weekends. Then holidays hit and I'm full blown....then after the big new year finally I'm back to quitting.
My yearly cycle
That will be the hardest

I'm sick of it. Aging it's taking its toll. I want to finally kick that cycle and grow as a person and become a better person.. I want to reach goals that cycle is getting in the way of

Fingers crossed this is the year :pray:

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When it’s time you’ll know! And chances are if your contemplating thn your ready. Might not be today might not be tomorrow but it’s coming ! Be patient with yourself. I was exhausted with it, I was tired of the depression and anxiety that came with it truly. Thn I had become a binge drinker and I’d start and had trouble stopping daily.

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When you say to yourself enough already I’m tired of the same stuff happening over and over!!! IF NOTHING CHANGES NOTHING CHANGES :pray:


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