Okay I was drinking a half a gallon a day for at least three years with my bad heart here's just a little bit of what Jesus has done for me I died May the 4th of a heart attack brought me back gave me 8 minutes to live so I wasn't on the ventilator for 11 days had a difibulater hanging on my side so now my meds when I got home put my heart rate to 283 beats a minute back to hospital go to thirty day rehab from there one year program and was in and out of hospital so July 15 they put a dibibulator and pace maker in July 24 I died with a heart attack for 15 minutes shocked me six times put adrenaline in me broke my sternem and plus I caught COVID on top of that stayed on vent for six days so that was in wheeling WV and I am now in Clinton Ohio in a nine months program but I am back in the hospital but God has me in the palms of his hands and molding me to the man I was supposed to be praise the Lord