On day 74 bit the last week I started to

On day 74 bit the last week I started to think about drinking again. Any strategies that you have found helpful…

Yeah, go to a meeting, hang out with sober people.

Yeah definitely should seek counseling and get all of these thoughts out of your mind. It helps to talk to someone or to write it down. Addiction tends to focus on the good times (that will no longer exist) and forget all the horror that goes with it. Chuck it always gets worse or it feels like it did for me. I promise you that if I could go back and change that decision that lead me into another two year drag out with using I would. I know the struggle though and it’s not easy but you are strong. You’ve made it 74 days. What has helped you get this far? Maybe look at that. I hope this helps and know that we are rooting for you.